Friday, February 23, 2007

Senior housing project going downtown

Santa Maria Planning Commissioners say they're excited about a downtown project that would bring a senior assisted-living home to the heart of the city. The commission voted 4-0 Wednesday night to allow the Sun family to develop the project at 117 N. Broadway. The commission's newest member, Adrian Andrade, who was appointed Tuesday night by Councilwoman Hilda Zacarias, abstained from the vote. The applicants are proposing extensive remodeling in their building to create the assisted-living facility on the second floor while keeping the existing furniture store on the ground floor. Though commissioners said they are pleased to see an additional opportunity for seniors to live in the downtown area, Commissioner Lawnae Hunter insisted a condition of approval be added to require some sort of open space for the residents.


1 comment:

Assisted Living San Francisco said...

Hi friends,

Many potential residents are delaying moving from their longtime homes to retirement complex in hopes the local and national housing markets will improve so they can get a higher price for their homes. Thanks a lot....