Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Oldies but goodies on retirement home menu

Sushi, tapas, chili rellenos, foie gras? Not on the menu. At least not at several local retirement facilities.
But they may be in the near future, especially as the roughly 29 million Americans turning 60 this year start to think about retirement. As they choose senior housing, one big consideration will be the food.
"I think it's one of the key criteria," said Maura Ferrigno, executive director of the Inn at Robbins Brook in Acton.
Here's a window into the world of dining in three communities in our area. An admission: I have already eaten my way through a number of dining rooms during the search for my mother's senior housing. Don't expect haute cuisine or upscale restaurant fare, even in affluent communities. This food is for an older generation that dined at their country club on standard American cuisine, with a dash of French, Italian, Chinese, and Southwestern.

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